Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Killing time till summer comes

Something to do to pass the time! We've had a few cold but sunny days these past few weeks and we took the opportunity to get Uncle Buck's little quad out and let the kids go crazy! Harley loved riding the quad as long as SHE was driving. After,we had a picnic on the porch with ham and cheese sandwiches, string cheese and apple slices... yum! My favorite part is that my daughter wanted her nails painted and helped put on my make up and then couldn't wait to go get dirty! By the way, I had my ultrasound appointment Monday and found out we're having a.......................Baby!
Ha ha just kidding, it's a BOY!!!!! ( as mom would say, "I'm so funny, I kill me")!!!


mamaseversike said...

Congratulations, wooohhoooooo! I knew it, huh!? Not only am I so funny I kill me, I'm also so smart sometimes it's frightening. (KIDDING!)

Zach said...

...And you are dinba, don't forget that mom!
Congrats, Manders! When are you due?

Amanda Lee said...

Thanks guys!
Zach,I'm due June 12th!!

Anonymous said...

YAY for a BOY!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!! I can't wait to see you in June when we come out. We will be there when you are due so hopefully we get to hold that beautiful boy!

Jennis said...

I knew it too!! I am so excited to see what an Amanda baby boy looks like. I love it!! I love YOU!