Sunday, January 24, 2010

This Journey Called Life

Hello friends and family. I've decided to just give a quick update on life here in Howell Town. Bryant's mom was diagnosed with a lung disease called COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)a few years back. It's pretty much chronic bronchitis and emphysema from about 50 years or more of smoking. Recently she came home from the hospital only to be admitted again yesterday because she refuses to quit. This will be her 3rd stay in less than 12 months. At this point we're told that if she doesn't stop smoking immediately, she'll continue to get infections in her lungs that her body can't defend. Her lungs need steroids to open and enable her to get and use oxygen, but being on long term steroids has weekend her immune system and bone density to an untreatable degree. So in a nut shell we're told this disease has run it's course and Mom Howell is on the last leg of her journey.

We're also struggling with Bryant being away, dealing with responsibilities in Yakima. Needless to say, he'd much rather be here with his mom and family for what little time is left and isn't able to. Other than these recent trials, we've been getting along okay. Harley's been talking up a storm and is getting so tall! I can't believe she'll be two this year. My belly's getting noticeably bigger and we'll be able to find out what the baby is in less than two weeks!!! I've been struggling with mixed emotions from pregnancy, and the above mentioned situations but realize how grateful I am for the knowledge that I've been able to obtain young. The Word of Wisdom and The Plan of Salvation have given me a perspective that most of the people around me are oblivious to. I'm grateful I have these things to comfort me. So family, add the Howell's to your prayers tonight and know we love you all.


rumblebug said...

Oh Amanda! My tummy was in knots as read your post and will most definitely add extra prayers for you and Bryant and family. We love you so very much. You are so strong and such an amazing woman, despite what trials you face the smile in your heart seems to shine through it all. Love you, love you, love you!

Zach said...

You will definitely be in our prayers, Hope everything goes as well as possible! Love you!

mamaseversike said...

You have a big responsibility to be the example to that family. I hope you are able to get to church and get the strength you need to lead your family for awhile. You cannot do this alone. Let us help, let Heavenly Father help. We all love you. I never stop praying for all of my children.

Kirk and Jill Smith - said...

My dear Manda... I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a rough patch in life. It's very comforting to hear you remembering your blessings during all these trials. Know that there are many of us thinking and praying for you. Please don't hesitate to call if Jennis isn't available to take Harley, I'd take that cute little girl in a heartbeat. Let me know if you need ANYTHING!!

Jennis said...

It was good to hear from you on here again. I get to see you, but sometimes hearing about your daily dealings in writing gives a unqiue perspective on how your dealing with everything. I'm so happy to have you for my sister, You have unconditional love and loyalty and you are a tower of strength. I hope you do remember the places you find strength and visit them often. I'm sorry you're in the thick of it and so much of the responsibility falls on you especially while pregnant. Thanks for posting on what's going on, we will keep you and the howells in our prayers too. I LOVE YOU so much.