Friday, February 19, 2010

A morning Lula-bye

This morning I woke to a SCREAM from poor Harley J. She apparently was helping Grandma Howell let Daisy in and somehow didn't move her hand before Grandma shut it in the door.......Hard! Needless to say it was very sad. Bryant's sister Francis(Auntie Franny) was super sweet and didn't wake me when Harley decided to get up an hour early at 7:00am, had already fed Her pancakes and eggs and had stepped away for half a minute. I jumped out of bed and rushed to a very sad daughter who asked me while crying, "Nigh night?, rocky rocky? Rocka baby in top top? Pleassse, pleassse!" Which interpreted means, "Rock me in my rocking chair and sing 'Rock-a-bye baby in a tree top' so I can fall asleep because this is all to much for me!" I asked her back, " You want to go back to bed?" Still sad and crying she assured me, "yeeeaaahh". So that's what we did. Rocka baby in a top top. It still makes me smile and kinda giggle just thinking about how I started my day and how she ended her morning. Poor baby.....


mamaseversike said...

ahh, poor little thing. Her hands are taking a beating! I hope she's okay. You'll be glad you wrote that down, such a sweetheart. I know 'rocky-rocky' is just the thing for me when life gets a big overwhelming. She's lucky to have such a good mom.

Jennis said...

oh that makes me cry a little for her. I can't believe how much she's talking. taylor would have just balled her little baby eyes out. I love hearing from you and seeing your thoughts in writing.

mamaseversike said...

How did the chicken turn out? Thanks for the phone call, I love hearing from you!! Muuuaaaahhhh!