Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Love At Home

We've started to create a bedtime routine for Harley. So far it's bath, bottle, book, bed. She loves to look at the pictures and reach for the pages while we read to her. I love that she's so animated and noticeably interested in things. I can't believe how big she's getting. I completely understand the saying, "Don't blink or you'll miss it", and that's exactly how I feel.

Lately we've been coming home to an open door and a dog on the couch. Our sweet, and too-smart for-her-own-good Daisy has learned to let herself in when no one's home to do it for her. The day I took this picture I yelled pretty good at her. She was crushed and very sad and sorry. She walked up to Bryant with her head down and tail between her legs and when I came back this is how I found them. She really is a good girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Harley is a doll. She's getting so big. Did you guys love all the snow? Tanner was liking it. He kept making snow angels. Now, that we're home he lays on the carpet and tells me he's making angels. I love it!