Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"NO NO NO!!!"

"Get DOWN! Get out of there! NONONO! OUT!!" This is what I yell all day. Not to my child but to my HUGE dog Duke. He jumps our fence effortlessly and lately I've been rotating him from being tied up to being down in the basement and when he's done that for 10 hours straight then he gets to be free to play with Daisy. Unfortunately his freedom doesn't last long because he's always into something! Everyone on 14th Avenue knows his name because they've either brought him home or heard me yelling it as I run down the street in my pajamas barefoot, clutching a baby. Sadly he killed one of the two big goldfish in the pond and now it's time to find a new home for him before I throttle him to death. Now, I've tried for three months I really have! This yard is just not big enough or our fence tall enough for two dogs, especially one his size. He's a mammoth. I really do love him though and he's sooo sweet that I'm at my wits-end and heavy hearted for feeling the need to be rid of him.

On to other things. Our Land Lords called and said they're thinking of putting the house back up for sale. "Just a heads up" they said, "nothing to worry about" they said. Yea yea. Yesterday I got two calls from interested buyers to come take a look .One for today at 3:15pm and one tomorrow morning at 9:30am. I cleaned and scrubbed the whole house, reorganized and deodorized the basement(because remember Duke's been spending a lot of time down there) and those dang people didn't even show. Not to mention I kept Harley up because I thought they'd want to look in her room and didn't want to risk interrupting her nap. So I ended up with a really clean house and a really tired baby. I've sent two E-mails to available rentals but still no reply. What can I do? "Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.." On top of being stood up, I've been stuck at home for four days now. Not that I have any thing really pressing to do but the option would be nice. Bryant's work car got a flat tire a week ago while he was on the freeway. The lug wrench that was in the car didn't fit the tire so he was a little irritated,( to say the least) luckily he didn't have to wait long. A cop stopped and rescued my damsel in distress! So Bryant's had my truck and I've been waiting for him to work less than a 12 hour day so we can go get a new(slightly used) tire for the dang thing. I know I should be able to do it, but He doesn't trust that the people in our area would give me a fair price for a good quality tire.

But don't worry my family, I don't want to rip my hair out or yell at any one that tries talking to me or anything. Nope I don't have cabin/bad dog/stressed renter fever at all....


rumblebug said...

Oh my goodness, Manda! I'm so sorry to hear that your hair is at risk for spontaneous removal! Grr...but atleast you have one of the cutest kids in the whole world! Things will even out, the ripples come and go but life always gets back on track. :) Love you!

Debbie said...

Amanda, hope things are going better for you now. Hope you were also able to find a good home for Duke. Any word on when and where you are moving to? How is Harley (or is it Harla ;)??

Jennis said...

hhmmmm, wonder what could be causing the wee bit of stress you talked to me about??? you're doing great! just trust that the Lord has a plan for you. and you're right just keep swimming.. swimming...swimming