Saturday, August 1, 2009

"And that's what it's all about!"

Harley's been cracking me up lately. She's so smart and funny it just kills me! Today after I changed her diaper I went into the bathroom to use some hand sanitizer. I saw Harley walk past the doorway carrying her dirty diaper. She rounded the corner, walked straight into the kitchen and droped it into the garbage can. She didn't know I was following her and you could tell when she turned around it startled her! She smiled sooo big and clapped her hands, meaning, "good job to me" I was so amazed I called Bryant to tell him that minute!

Lately we'll see her toys on chairs or the lower shelves in the pantry, just finding a place to set them down I guess. She always turns her motorcycle around so it's facing forward and she stands everything up. I'll go into a room she'll have just left and there will be her animals all standing nicely on the floor. Another thing that kills me is she's a stacker. Today I found a bottle sitting(standing up right) on top of a plastic baby wipe container! I can't believe how big and grown up she is, and how fast it went.
I pruned some of the roses today. I love the rose bushes but they're a lot of work! While I did that Harley picked blades of grass and fed them to daisy. Which also proved to be a lot of work!

(Oh man! I had a picture of the roses here and just deleted it on accident! And there's no way to get if back without messing everything up or starting over... that;s annoying =( )
Carolyn Kay came home from her mission last week so we went to visit and listen to her speak on Sunday. We had tons of fun playing with all the Kay Kids. Some of the games included, 'London Bridge's Falling down', 'Ring around the Rosey', 'Duck Duck Goose' and my personal favorite 'The Hokey Pokey!'

"You put your head in...."

"You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around..."

"And that's what it's all about!"

I'm so happy to have our home and to be able to be spending time together as a family. Bryant's been working hard so I'm blessed and able to stay home and not missing any of these moments with Harley......And that's what it's all about!


Zach said...

Those are some great mommy moments. Thanks for sharing them with a non-mommy.
Looking forward to seeing you again in a couple weeks.
Debbie :o)

Jennis said...

i so love that girls little sprouts. she is a smarty that one. isn't it fun to see the things they pick up on? how long have our babies been watching us and one day start mimicking things they've seen us do a hundred times. you don't realize how observant they are. she is so pretty, just like her momma. Miss ya sis.

mamaseversike said...

Cute post! Harley really is growing up fast! You are a pretty organized person yourself, and she is mama's girl; so it's not surprising she is a stacker-organizer. If she grows up and puts her cans away labels facing out, or puts her colored pencils away in rainbow order, we'll know she's granny's girl. :)