Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March Madness

Here's a glimpse of the beginning of our green-house journey!

So far we have 20 pallets planted(16 containers per pallet)!
Tomato's, jalapeno peppers, bell peppers cucumbers and more to come!


mamaseversike said...

Hi sweets! Can I buy a couple of tomato starts from you when they get bigger? I meant to start mine, but I haven't. That is some awesome greenhouse! If you are successful where the heck are you going to plant everything? Or are you going to sell the starts to someone besides me? (Oooh, I just had a flashback of "Marianne and Wanda were the best of friends... selling somethin' on the side of the road") Can you name that tune? love, me

rumblebug said...

Uhm - you are beyond awesome!! Here I was thinking that weeding my tulip garden was 'ahead of the game' but you guys are seriously amazing! I can't wait to see how it all progresses! Love ya!

Jennis said...

I'm in for buying some veggie starts as well. I am going to have to come and see that thing, it looks HUGE! Nice work Bryant and helpers. AWESOME. And the song is "Earl had to DIE" na na na na naaa naaa naaa. They sold Tennessee ham and strawberry jam,... haha. that is sooo many little planters. do you have water on site? I hope. Love ya sis.

mamaseversike said...

Ha! Good call, Jen! You made me laugh, and I needed that. Amanda, where's the cute wagon that Harley is in front of? She's so darn cute.

Zach said...

One thing your greenhouse needs is ventilation. The easiest way to do it for your style is to cut some "U" shaped windows on each each end of your greenhouse. You can put one on each side of your door and two on the other end. This will help prevent fungus and disease attacks and it will also help regulate temperature. It may not seem to be such a concern at this point in the season, but when it gets hot your little plants will be thankful they're not fried. Putting a fan in there will also help circulate the airflow.

Jennis said...

cute backround on the blog by the way. I am looking forward to seeing all the amazing things that will be growing at your house. Love ya. jenn

joni said...

What on earth?! Are you a farmer?! I didn't know that about you. That thing is amazing, it looks like you mean business. Good luck! Are you going to try any herbs?

Jennis said...

just came over to see what was new. Love ya.

mamaseversike said...

Amanda, How are my tomato plants doing? Our leggy-scraggly now pruned up apple tree is getting buds, so I guess we didn't kill it bringing it to its new home. Happy gardening!!