Sunday, February 28, 2010

Get OUT!!!!

Dear Family,
I tell you this story to tell you another.....

Harley had a doctor's appointment Friday and ended up needing some shots. She got a double dose-er in one and a flu shot in the other. She took 'em like a champ and cried for maybe 30 seconds. The bummer was her waking up in the middle of the night with a temperature of 100.4. I'm told that fevers are common for baby's after shots so I didn't worry too much. Unfortunately I'd stayed up until around 11:00pm that night,(I have a baby monitor in my room so I can hear Mom Howell get up at night. When Dad Howell stays up and watches TV all I hear on my monitor is the news, obnoxious commercials and whatever TV show is on! So I have to wait for him to go be for I can.) waiting for Dad Howell to go to bed. When I went to check on Harley before I turned in, she was whimpering and started to cry. I stripped her down to her diaper and got a cold wash cloth that she didn't tolerated at first,but eventually kept telling me, "back, back mama." I'd lay it on her back and she'd whisper, "Tank oo, tank oo mama, tanks mom." I'd finally gotten Harley to sleep and decided to just crash on the couch, next to Mom Howell. About an Hour later(2:30am) Mom decided to go potty. I'd taken her, got her situated in her chair, given meds and sat back down only for her to decide she needed to go again. Needless to say it was beginning to be a LONG night. Luckily, Franny(Bryant's oldest sister, 25 yrs to the day) got up shortly after that to take a shift and I got to crawl into my bed. Poor Harley woke up at 6:00am with another fever and got more Tylenol, another cold wash cloth and half of a Popsicle. We stayed up until around 7:30am and went back to bed(where I was dead to the world) until about 10:00am.

Now to the story I wanted to tell but had to tell the other to get to.(follow that?) Harley's been stuck in the house for two days straight because of her continuous fever and was about to go crazy if we didn't GET OUT!! I got she and I dressed for the first time in two days and we headed to Auntie Em's. I knew I'd just catch her getting back from church and hoped she give us the sanctuary and sanity that we were desperately seeking. Of course we got to pet horses, play with dogs and eat homemade potato soup with bacon(yummmmmy!) So this post is definitely a thanks to my sister for saving the day and stopping Harley and I from having utter and complete meltdowns!! After soup we headed to Scenic Shores just down the way, to swing the swings and slide the slides. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have my family that lets me pop in and unload. Thanks to you all for always having room for a few more. Oh and did I mention yet that I love you all? Update you soon, Love Manda Moe!

Friday, February 19, 2010

A morning Lula-bye

This morning I woke to a SCREAM from poor Harley J. She apparently was helping Grandma Howell let Daisy in and somehow didn't move her hand before Grandma shut it in the door.......Hard! Needless to say it was very sad. Bryant's sister Francis(Auntie Franny) was super sweet and didn't wake me when Harley decided to get up an hour early at 7:00am, had already fed Her pancakes and eggs and had stepped away for half a minute. I jumped out of bed and rushed to a very sad daughter who asked me while crying, "Nigh night?, rocky rocky? Rocka baby in top top? Pleassse, pleassse!" Which interpreted means, "Rock me in my rocking chair and sing 'Rock-a-bye baby in a tree top' so I can fall asleep because this is all to much for me!" I asked her back, " You want to go back to bed?" Still sad and crying she assured me, "yeeeaaahh". So that's what we did. Rocka baby in a top top. It still makes me smile and kinda giggle just thinking about how I started my day and how she ended her morning. Poor baby.....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Killing time till summer comes

Something to do to pass the time! We've had a few cold but sunny days these past few weeks and we took the opportunity to get Uncle Buck's little quad out and let the kids go crazy! Harley loved riding the quad as long as SHE was driving. After,we had a picnic on the porch with ham and cheese sandwiches, string cheese and apple slices... yum! My favorite part is that my daughter wanted her nails painted and helped put on my make up and then couldn't wait to go get dirty! By the way, I had my ultrasound appointment Monday and found out we're having a.......................Baby!
Ha ha just kidding, it's a BOY!!!!! ( as mom would say, "I'm so funny, I kill me")!!!