Sunday, November 2, 2008

All Hallows Eve

Harley's decided to throw trantrums, she arches her back, throws her hands in the air and SCREAMS so I've tried to let her be on the floor a more lately. I always told myself that my kids would be really nice and very well behaved and then my 3 almost 4 month old throws a tanrum. Now I see how easy it is to fall into bad habits, and realize how much control it takes to not hold her all the time and let her learn a little independence. Friday night we tried to let Harley cry herself to sleep. After 15 minutes of what felt like a lifetime of screaming, we gave in and picked her up. The minute she was in my arms she became dead weight, took a few ragged, sad breaths and was out like a light in less than 30 seconds. So my goal for this week is to try to teach our spoiled infant how to put herself to sleep, and to figure out how NOT to cry along with her.
Harley Jane was a ferocious tiger for Halloween. She got extremely mad the first time I tried to draw a black nose on her! The heart nose I drew on when she passed out in the car!


mamaseversike said...

Her heart-nose makes me think of a care-bear. ("We CARE!")(I don't know how many times I listened to that movie.)Glad we've got that crying thing figured out. She probably wondered why we were changing the rules now. :) love you, mama

Jill said...

We used the Sleepeasy Solution to train Alex to sleep. You let them cry it out, but you go in every 5, 10, then 15 minutes to reassure them that you're still there and give them encouragement to fall asleep. Now he sleeps through the night pretty much every night, and takes naps like a champ. It also goes into what the sleep environment should be like and stuff like that. It's really good.

JKLMNPeterson said...

It is a lot harder to be the mom then it looks. I was very critical of other momthers until I had one. The good news is that they will love you anyway. At this age memory is short. You need to remember that you are doing it for her own good. Keep up the good work. She looks so happy and sweet.

Jennis said...

She gets cuter and cuter everyday!!love it. You are doing so good. I went to a baby shower today for a girl who is affraid to breastfeed, you are so confident and amazing.

Kirk and Jill Smith - said...

I love love love your tiger!!! She is so cute and I loved seeing her in her outfit on Halloween!!! Glad to see you're doing well.

Kirk and Jill Smith - said...

You're doing much better than me, Kaden just turned 6 months old and I still rock him to sleep. YIPES!!! So, good work. Maybe I'll get there eventually. Is she sleeping through the night?