Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Life is good

I can't remember who I was talking to... i think it was my sister in law Jenna, but we were coming up with creative ways to save money. I've decided on paying my washing machine every time I use it. I've never been good at saving money and I do A LOT of laundry. I don't know how two and a half people wear so many cloths and use so many towels! Any way life's pretty good here in Rainier land. Sunday we celebrated my Mom and Dad in law's 50th wedding anniversary. We surprised them with a pretty cake and I ended up with a surprise birthday cake of my own! Yesterday was my actual birthday and I received cards, calls and my favorite; singing voice mails! Thanks to my family and friends who make me feel so loved! So, I'm twenty four and am enjoying all it has to offer. Life is good.


McPherson family said...

Hi Amanda,
Your mom left a comment on my blog and told me she had a blog so I took a look and I found you too. I hope you are ok with that. What a cutie pie your baby girl is. I hope you are having fun being a mommy! Love ya!
Cousin Julie

joni said...

Hey! So excited you're joining the ranks. Can't wait to see more!

Jennis said...

hey i just wanted to tell you I love you and you are the BESTEST little sister a girl could ever ever have. You make it so I can still have a life, where would I be without you? thanks again, and thanks for my cute thank you, you made me cry. a good cry. love you